International Peace Marathon in Košice

Overview of postal and philatelic materials published for the International Peace Marathon in Košice.

04. 10. 2024

Specialized articles

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11. 01. 2022

Postcrossing - the resurrection of postcards and philately

Introduction to the interesting and surprisingly well-functioning Postcrossing project to redevelop sending postcards and hence the use of postage stamps, as well as the development of philately. The description is supplemented by an overview of issued postage stamps and other philatelic materials.

Vojtech Jankovič
22. 12. 2021

New issue of the journal SLOVENSKÁ FILATELIA 2021/4

Information on the publication of a new issue of the philatelic magazine SLOVENSKA FILATELIA, which brings current philatelic information and specialized articles in the field of philately and postage stamp collecting.

Vojtech Jankovič (šéfredaktor)
30. 11. 2021

New issue of the journal SLOVENSKÁ FILATELIA 2021/3

Information on the publication of a new issue of the philatelic magazine SLOVENSKA FILATELIA, which brings current philatelic information and specialized articles in the field of philately and postage stamp collecting.

Vojtech Jankovič (šéfredaktor)
24. 11. 2021

Issue plan of Slovak postage stamps for 2021

The issue plan of Slovak postage stamps for 2021. The overview of the pictures of all stamps already issued and stamps in the design phase can be found below the article.

Vojtech Jankovič
06. 09. 2021

New issue of the journal SLOVENSKÁ FILATELIA 2021/2

Information on the publication of a new issue of the philatelic magazine SLOVENSKA FILATELIA, which brings current philatelic information and specialized articles in the field of philately and postage stamp collecting.

Vojtech Jankovič (šéfredaktor)
25. 06. 2021

New issue of the journal SLOVENSKÁ FILATELIA 2021/1

Information on the publication of a new issue of the philatelic magazine SLOVENSKA FILATELIA, which brings current philatelic information and specialized articles in the field of philately and postage stamp collecting.

Vojtech Jankovič (šéfredaktor)
11. 06. 2021

Postage stamp territories - Djibouti

Article from the field of stamp territories focused on the postage stamps used in the territory of the present State of Djibouti in North-East Africa.

Marián Kováč
20. 05. 2021

Field bakeries in philately

Article devoted to bakery in philately, this time from the point of view of the need to feed soldiers with bread in field conditions during combat operations.

Petr Fencl
05. 05. 2021

Devín - the story of one postcard

The sad story of the resigned ancient Devín and the effects of the resignation on the traditional celebrations of Slavic reciprocity told through postcards.

Miroslav Bachratý
19. 03. 2021

Dictionary of a knowledgeable philatelist

Explanation and illustration of basic philatelic terms for the collector of postage stamps supplemented by well-meaning recommendations.

Vojtech Jankovič, Zuzana Broskvová
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Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists