Ceremonial inauguration of the postage stamp 100th anniversary of the Ice Hockey European Championship in the High Tatras in Bratislava (Slovakia)

Invitation to the ceremonial inauguration of the postage stamp 100th anniversary of the Ice Hockey European Championship in the High Tatras, associated with the presentation of the silver commemorative euro coin in Bratislava. (Slovakia)

20. 01. 2025

Youth philately

19. 03. 2021

Dictionary of a knowledgeable philatelist

Explanation and illustration of basic philatelic terms for the collector of postage stamps supplemented by well-meaning recommendations.

Vojtech Jankovič, Zuzana Broskvová
26. 06. 2020

And why is not philately (in schools)

Reflections of an experienced philatelist and leader of young philatelists circles on the possibility of introducing philately to schools

Ján Mička
13. 08. 2014

Successful Philatelic Olympics devoted to the sports topic

Report from the National round of the Philatelic Olympics on the Sport topic in Belusske Slatiny supplemented by mini-exhibit samples created by children from Bratislava Young Philatelists rings.

Daniela Schmidtová (s použitím fotografií od Jána Mičku)
03. 03. 2014

Quo vadis Philatelic Olympics?

Návrh nového konceptu Filatelistickej olympiády mladých filatelistov ZSF, ktorý vychádza z dlhoročných skúseností autora, či už ako účastníka FO alebo neskôr ako úspešného vystavovateľa a porotcu.

Vojtech Jankovič
26. 02. 2012

Get started with ... a thematic exhibit

The article, which is intended not only for beginning collectors and exhibitors, brings ideas on how the collector may start collecting a certain thematic area and how to incorporate his/her knowledge.

Pavlína Ondrejková
28. 11. 2011

10 meetings (of the ring of young philatelists)

Methodological tool for the leaders of the rings of young philatelists suitable for all those who have decided to dedicate their activity to children as well as to novice philatelists.

Jaromír Jeřábek (pre potreby vedúcich KMF ZSF preložil a upravil Mgr. Ján Mička)
14. 12. 2008

Day of Postage Stamp at School

Stretnutie trnavských školákov pri poštových známkach za prítomnosti zástupcov POFIS-u.

Mgr. Ján Mička

Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors
Filaso.cz ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists