Exchange meeting of collectors of coins, banknotes, stamps, postcards, badges in Bratislava (Slovakia)

Invitation to the collectors meeting of coins, banknotes, stamps, postcards, badges, pins etc. in Bratislava (Slovakia).

22. 02. 2025

Pictorial Postcards

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19. 03. 2023

The life and postcard work of Frantisek Parolek

A closer look at the life and postcard creation of Frantisek Paroleka, who devoted his whole life to photography and drawing and has immense merit in the creation of Czech-Slovak postcards and stamps for the legions in Russia.

Juraj Jurikovič
05. 01. 2023

High Tatras on historical postcards

Overview of hisctorical postcards of the High Tatras from the author collection with short additional descriptions.

Katarína Humajová
11. 01. 2022

Postcrossing - the resurrection of postcards and philately

Introduction to the interesting and surprisingly well-functioning Postcrossing project to redevelop sending postcards and hence the use of postage stamps, as well as the development of philately. The description is supplemented by an overview of issued postage stamps and other philatelic materials.

Vojtech Jankovič
05. 05. 2021

Devín - the story of one postcard

The sad story of the resigned ancient Devín and the effects of the resignation on the traditional celebrations of Slavic reciprocity told through postcards.

Miroslav Bachratý
23. 03. 2020

QSL card and Wuppertal Schwebebahn

Thematic article on the Wuppertaler Schwebebahn (Wuppertal Suspension Railway) inspired by the article by J. Micka: Interesting thematic connection - railway.

Ján Mička, Vojtech Jankovič
08. 02. 2014

Little school of deltiology (16): Sport

16th continuation of the series of articles about collecting postcards titled Little school of Deltiology by Alexander Urminsky - Sport.

Alexander Urminský
30. 10. 2013

Little school of deltiology (14): Technic

14th continuation of the series of articles about collecting postcards titled Little school of Deltiology by Alexander Urminsky - Technic.

Alexander Urminský
23. 09. 2013

Little school of deltiology (13): Nature

13th continuation of the series of articles about collecting postcards titled Little school of Deltiology by Alexander Urminsky - Nature.

Alexander Urminský
11. 04. 2013

Little school of deltiology (12): Society

12th continuation of the series of articles about collecting postcards titled Little school of Deltiology by Alexander Urminsky - Society.

Alexander Urminský
12. 02. 2013

Little school of deltiology (23): Artwork on postcards (2)

23th continuation of the series of articles about collecting postcards titled Little school of Deltiology by Alexander Urminsky - Artwork on postcards (enriched by a few postage stamps of the same authors).

Alexander Urminský
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Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists