Slovakiana / Slovacicas
Slovakiana (or Slovacikas) - foreign stamps and other postal materials of other countries around the world related to Slovakia and Slovaks
Slovakiana (or Slovacikas) - foreign stamps and other postal materials of other countries around the world related to Slovakia and Slovaks
Information on the activities and publishing activities of the Section of Russia stamp territories.
Presentation and information about various activities of the The Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great Britain.
Important internet philatelic and collectibles links - Overview of internet philatelic and collector's information resources.
Specialised section devoted to philatelic literature
Pohľadnice a zbieranie pohľadníc - úvod.
Specialized section devoted to the collecting by Postage Stamp Territories also known as ASFE (A Stamp From Everywhere).
Introduction to thematic philately - collection of postage stamps according to their theme (topic)
Perfiny - úvod k zbieraniu perfinov, t. j. ochranných perforovaných otvorov na poštových známkach a iných ceninách.
Metermarks - basic concepts, short history and basics of metermarks collection
Introduction to the history of Slovak philately and an overview of the most important personalities and philatelic exhibitions
Illegal and unfavourable stamp issues - introduction
Analogické pohľadnice (Cartes Maximum) (CM) - úvod k zbieraniu CM.
Philatelic terminology dictionary - introduction
Specialized section devoted to the philatelic exhibitions and exhibiting.