New issue of the journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF 2019/4
New issue of the philatelic journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF that provides the updated information about events in organized philately in Slovakia.
Vojtech JankovičNew issue of the philatelic journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF that provides the updated information about events in organized philately in Slovakia.
Vojtech JankovičNew issue of the philatelic newsletter of the Society of collectors of philatelic materials with Christian themes in Slovakia SV. GABRIEL.
Ján Vallo (redaktor)New issue of the philatelic journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF that provides the updated information about events in organized philately in Slovakia.
Vojtech JankovičOverview of sites, where you can find historical photographs and postcards of Slovakia.
Vojtech JankovičNew issue of the philatelic journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF that provides the updated information about events in organized philately in Slovakia.
Vojtech Jankovič30th volume of the yearbook KOŠICE VO FILATELII č. 30/2019, which contains interesting specialised and popular articles on philately and relates collecting areas by renowned Kosice collectors.
Vojtech JankovičNew issue of the journal the European Philatelic Federation FEPA NEWS II Series No. 35 – June 2019
Vojtech JankovičNew issue of the informative journal the World Philatelic Federation FIP Flash 128 – AUG 2019
Vojtech JankovičNew issue of the philatelic newsletter of the Society of collectors of philatelic materials with Christian themes in Slovakia SV. GABRIEL.
Ján Vallo (redaktor)Article from the Stamp Territories area devoted to the postal services in the Chinese harbor Port Arthur.
Marián KováčArticle from the Russian stamp territories devoted to the post Offices of the Chiva Chanate.
Ivo SzostokThe issue plan of Slovak postage stamps for 2019. The overview of the pictures of all issued stamps can be found below the article.
MDV SR, POFISNew issue of the philatelic newsletter of the Society of collectors of philatelic materials with Christian themes in Slovakia SV. GABRIEL.
Ján Vallo (redaktor)An article from the Russian stamp territories area dedicated to the activities of the Field Post of Czechoslovak Legions in Russia.
Simon HoreckýAn introduction to a series of articles devoted to a detailed overview of postage stamps and other postal documents related to cycling Peace Race with an exhaustive description of philatelic peculiarities and attractions.
Vojtech JankovičNew issue of the informative journal the World Philatelic Federation FIP Flash 127 – MAR 2019
Vojtech JankovičNew issue of the philatelic newsletter of the Society of collectors of philatelic materials with Christian themes in Slovakia SV. GABRIEL.
Ján Vallo (redaktor)New issue of the philatelic journal SPRAVODAJCA ZSF that provides the updated information about events in organized philately in Slovakia.
Vojtech JankovičNew issue of the journal the European Philatelic Federation FEPA NEWS II Series No. 34 – January 2019, among other things with an article about the Jubilee Philatelic Exhibition C-S SALON 2018 at the Bratislava Castle
Vojtech JankovičReflection on the methods of measuring Slovak postage stamps perforation and the results that brought in a more accurate measurement by a professional sliding scale.
Rudolf ŠulejArticle from the Russian stamp territories devoted to the post Offices of the Bukhara Emirate
Ivo SzostokNew issue of the philatelic newsletter of the Society of collectors of philatelic materials with Christian themes in Slovakia SV. GABRIEL.
Ján Vallo (redaktor)Contribution dedicated to the postal valuables with the horse races and equestrian theme from the Czechoslovak territory (Part 1).
Igor BanásA detailed overview of postage stamps and other postal documents related to the VI Peace Race 1953 with the comprehensive description of their philatelic particularities
Vojtech Jankovič