Actual information from the Union of Czech Philatelists

Review of the most recent information from the Union of Czech Philatelists as provided by the journal Informace SČF.

13. 01. 2025

Books, magazines and other publications

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18. 10. 2015

New Spravodaj ZSF 2015/3 was published

If you are interested in actual information about events in the Slovak philately, the new issue 2015/3 of the Newsletter of the Union of Slovak Philatelists philatelic magazine has been just published.

02. 10. 2015

A new issue of the bulletin Svätý Gabriel 2015/3 (81)

If you are a collector of Christian philately or simply interested in current information on what is happening in the Christian philately, read a new issue of the Saint Gabriel 2015/3 (81) philatelic newsletter of the Society of collectors of philatelic materials with Christian themes in Slovakia.

12. 07. 2015

A new issue of the bulletin Svätý Gabriel 2015/2 (80)

If you are a collector of Christian philately or simply interested in current information on what is happening in the Christian philately, read a new issue of the Saint Gabriel 2015/2 (80) philatelic newsletter of the Society of collectors of philatelic materials with Christian themes in Slovakia.

05. 07. 2015

New Spravodaj ZSF 2015/2 was published

If you are interested in actual information about events in the Slovak philately, the new issue 2015/2 of the Newsletter of the Union of Slovak Philatelists philatelic magazine has been just published.

08. 05. 2015

New Spravodaj ZSF 2015/1 was published

If you are interested in actual information about events in the Slovak philately, the new issue 2015/1 of the Newsletter of the Union of Slovak Philatelists philatelic magazine has been just published.

12. 03. 2015

A new issue of the bulletin Svätý Gabriel 2015/1 (79)

If you are a collector of Christian philately or simply interested in current information on what is happening in the Christian philately, read a new issue of the Saint Gabriel 2015/1 (79) philatelic newsletter of the Society of collectors of philatelic materials with Christian themes in Slovakia.

21. 12. 2014

A new Spravodaj ZSF 2014/4 was published

If you are interested in actual information about events in the Slovak philately, the new issue 2014/4 of the Newsletter of the Union of Slovak Philatelists philatelic magazine has been just published.

12. 12. 2014

A new issue of the bulletin Svätý Gabriel 2014/4 (78)

If you are a collector of Christian philately or simply interested in current information on what is happening in the Christian philately, read a new issue of the Saint Gabriel 2014/4 (78) philatelic newsletter of the Society of collectors of philatelic materials with Christian themes in Slovakia.

03. 10. 2014

A new Spravodaj ZSF 2014/3 was published

Ak máte záujem o aktuálne informácie o  dianí v slovenskej filatelii, práve vyšlo nové číslo filatelistického časopisu Spravodajcu Zväzu slovenských filatelistov 2014/3.

22. 09. 2014

A new issue of the bulletin Svätý Gabriel 2014/3 (77)

Ak ste zberateľ kresťanskej filatelie alebo len jednoducho máte záujem o aktuálne informácie o dianí v kresťanskej filatelii, práve vyšlo nové číslo filatelistického informačného bulletinu Spoločenstva zberateľov filatelistických materiálov s kresťanskou tematikou na Slovensku Svätý Gabriel 2014/3 (77).

11. 07. 2014

A new Spravodaj ZSF 2014/2 was published

Ak máte záujem o aktuálne informácie o  dianí v slovenskej filatelii, práve vyšlo nové číslo filatelistického časopisu Spravodajcu Zväzu slovenských filatelistov 2014/2.

19. 06. 2014

A new issue of the bulletin Svätý Gabriel 2014/2 (76)

Ak ste zberateľ kresťanskej filatelie alebo len jednoducho máte záujem o aktuálne informácie o dianí v kresťanskej filatelii, práve vyšlo nové číslo filatelistického informačného bulletinu Spoločenstva zberateľov filatelistických materiálov s kresťanskou tematikou na Slovensku Svätý Gabriel 2014/2 (76).

04. 04. 2014

A new Spravodaj ZSF 2014/1 was published

Ak máte záujem o aktuálne informácie o dianí v slovenskej filatelii, práve vyšlo nové číslo filatelistického časopisu Spravodajcu Zväzu slovenských filatelistov 2014/1.

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Specialized sections

Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists