Recent news and new materials in the section SLOVACICAS/SLOVAKIANA - 1/2024

Overview of current news and new materials in the SLOVACICAS/SLOVAKIANA section.

01. 07. 2024

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23. 12. 2011

Day of the Slovak Postage Stamp and Philately 2011

Photo-reportage from the ceremonial awarding of the best Slovak postage stamps competition as well as awarding outstanding philatelists during the Day of the Slovak postage stamps and philately in the Main Post Office building in Bratislava.

06. 12. 2011

Figel wrote to Baby Jesus

Informácia o tom ako minister dopravy Ján Figeľ v Rajeckej Lesnej vhodil v prítomností detí do Ježiškovej poštovej schránky vlastnoručne napísaný list.

06. 10. 2011

We celebrate the World Post Day on 9th October

Informácia o každoročnom sviatku poštárov na celom svete, ktorý sa viaže k založeniu Svetovej poštovej únie (Universal Postal Union - UPU) v roku 1874, druhej najstaršej medzinárodnej organizácie so sídlom vo švajčiarskom Berne.

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Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists