New and Updated articles in the section Actual News - Specialized articles

Overview of new and updated articles in the section Actual News - Specialized articles, which is dedicated to specialized information for collectors of philatelic materials and all those interested in philately and postage stamps

16. 08. 2024

Postal Materials

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12. 04. 2019
The arrival of the Virgin Mary of Fatima in 1994
Commemorative Postmark
The arrival of the Virgin Mary of Fatima in 1994
05. 04. 2019
We are developing Slavic reciprocity
Commemorative Postmark
We are developing Slavic reciprocity
22. 03. 2019
170th anniversary of the death of Ján Hollý
Commemorative Postmark
170th anniversary of the death of Ján Hollý
15. 03. 2019
Easter 2019: Traditional Slovak Tinkering
Postage Stamp
Easter 2019: Traditional Slovak Tinkering
15. 03. 2019
Easter 2019: Traditional Slovak Tinkering (Easter eggs)
Pictorial Postal Card
Easter 2019: Traditional Slovak Tinkering (Easter eggs)
08. 03. 2019
Svätopluk - King of the Great Moravian Empire
Commemorative Postmark
Svätopluk - King of the Great Moravian Empire
01. 03. 2019
Sv. Cyril - Apostle of the Slavs
Commemorative Postmark
Sv. Cyril - Apostle of the Slavs
22. 02. 2019
Petra Vlhová - World champion in giant slalom
Personalised adjusted printing sheet (PersUTL)
Petra Vlhová - World champion in giant slalom
22. 02. 2019
Petra Vlhová - world champion in giant slalom
Commemorative Postmark
Petra Vlhová - world champion in giant slalom
22. 02. 2019
Vannius - Quadi king in our territory
Commemorative Postmark
Vannius - Quadi king in our territory
20. 02. 2019
20th anniversary of the space mission Štefánik
Commemorative Postmark
20th anniversary of the space mission Štefánik
08. 02. 2019
250 years of the post office in Nitra
Commemorative Postmark
250 years of the post office in Nitra
08. 02. 2019
Sv. Cyril spreader of faith and teacher of Slovaks
Commemorative Postmark
Sv. Cyril spreader of faith and teacher of Slovaks
18. 01. 2019
Opening of the Slovak parliament on 18th January 1939
Commemorative Postmark
Opening of the Slovak parliament on 18th January 1939
11. 01. 2019
150th anniversary of the death of Štefan Potocký
Commemorative Postmark
150th anniversary of the death of Štefan Potocký
08. 01. 2019
Blessed Titus Zeman
Postal Card with imprint
Blessed Titus Zeman
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Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists