New issue of the journal FEPA NEWS II Series No. 45 – July 2024

Information on the new issue of the magazine of the European Philatelic Federation FEPA NEWS, which brings not only organizational information but also contributions dedicated to the development of philately and the creation and display of philatelic exhibits and literature.

24. 07. 2024

Collectors' Bourses:
National philatelic exchange bourse with international participation in Levice (Slovakia)

National philatelic exchange bourse with international participation in Levice (Slovakia)
Location: Estrádna sála CK JUNIOR, A. Sládkoviča 2, Levice
Entry: Free (no admission)
Date: 10. 03. 2024

Angličtina / English

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Invitation to the national philatelic exchange bourse with international participation in Levice (Slovakia).

Čas konania: 8:00 - 12:00

Celoslovenská filatelistická burza s medzinárodnou účasťou v Leviciach

Zberateľské oblasti: poštové známky, pohľadnice, mince a iné zberateľské predmety.

Organizátor: Klub filatelistov pri MsKS 52-22 Levice

Informácie a objednávky stolov (2 €):

» Kontaktná osoba: Gabriel Kosztolányi, Levice

» Tel.: 0905 391 855

» Email:

Mapa s vyznačeným miestom konania:


© Gabriel Kosztolányi

Philatelic partners

POFIS - Postal philatelic service
EXPONET - Virtual international philatelic exhibition
Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors ...or philatelists for themselves
OLYMPSPORT - Czech Association for Olympic and Sport Philately
ZSF - Union of Slovak Philatelists