21. 02. 2024
Commemorative Postmark
07. 06. 2014
Commemorative Postmark
Bratislava Collectors Days 2014 (Historical building of the Slovak National Theatre)
22. 05. 2014
Commemorative Postmark
Introduction of the postage stamp EUROPA 2014: National musical instruments
06. 05. 2014
Commemorative Postmark
Municipal philatelic exhibition Kosice 2014 - Day of city of Kosice
17. 04. 2014
Commemorative Postmark
Inauguration of the postage stamps Technical monuments: Historical motorcycles
10. 03. 2014
Commemorative Postmark
Inauguration of the postage stamp Easter 2014: Crucifixion - stained glasses of Romanticism
13. 02. 2014
Commemorative Postmark
Inauguration of the postage stamp XI. Winter Paralympic Games Sochi 2014
Specialized sections
17. 01. 2011
17. 01. 2011
17. 01. 2011
17. 01. 2011