Pleasant epilogue of the successful 1st Czech-Slovak Philatelic Exhibition VYSOKÉ MYTO 2011 devoted to a nice award to organizers, headed by the OC Chairman Peter Fencl.
An inspiring article dedicated to baking and the production of bread, pastries and other flour products - another very interesting topic that provides a lot of interesting stamps, stamps and other philatelic materials.
Another inspiring article, this time dedicated to confectionery and dessert production. A new very interesting topic that provides a lot of interesting stamps, stamps and other philatelic materials. Yummy...
Another inspiring article dedicated to food with a focus on its sale as a loose continuation of the articles Sweet Philately and Tasty and Fragrant Philately.
Article devoted to bakery in philately, this time from the point of view of the need to feed soldiers with bread in field conditions during combat operations.
Nice Czech philatelic document of the 60th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's first space flight and the compelling story that led to create it.
A look at scientific weather observations and their impacts on human activity through the eyes of an experienced thematic philatelist.